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| BHI Skin Formula, 100 Tablets, MediNatura | | |
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For the temporary relief of: eczema blisters and cold sores rashes and hives
Based on the individual constituents of BHI Skin the characteristic symptoms might include:
- Flushed face with red, burning patches or pimples; itching blisters; eczema of anus and hands; brown pigmentation after eczema
- Red rash over body
- Scaly eruption; dry rough skin, worse after scratching and in cold; desquamation over whole body; carbuncles
- Eczema on inside of elbow; itching worse from warmth
- Ulcerations, improved by cold; alopecia; brittleness of nails
- Pustules; ecchymosis; eczemas at dorsal surfaces of fingers
- Chilblains; dry, rough skin; itching and burning at night; chronic moist eczema
- Eczema not relieved by scratching; urticaria better in warm room
- Acute and chronic eczema; moist suppurating eruptions; chronic urticaria; nevus maternus
- Eczema; itching; burning after scratching; vesticular and herpetic eruptions; formication over entire body
Suggested use: Take tablets sublingually or by dissolving completely in mouth. Adults and Children above 6 years: For mild symptoms, take 1 tablet 3 to 4 times daily. One tablet may be taken as often as every 5 minutes as required for relief. Infants and Children to 6 years: 1/2 the adult dosage.
Use with BHI Body Pure tablets and BHI Calendula ointment for added effectiveness.
Ingredients: Berberis vulgaris 6X, Rhus toxicodendron 8X, Arsenicum album 10X, Graphites 10X, Hydrofluoricum acidum 10X, Kreosotum 10X, Petroleum 10X, Sepia 10X, Lycopodium clavatum 12X, Sulphur 12X
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Disclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product does not contain prescription ingredients.
| | | MediNatura, BHI Skin Formula, 100 Tablets |
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