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| Mallow Dropper, 0.25 oz, Flower Essence Services | | | | | | | Deal of the Month:
Psyllium Husk Powder, 12 oz @ $11.07 from NOW Foods... Shop now! Psyllium Husk Powder offers an excellent source of natural fiber, essential to the promotion of digestive regularity. | | Flower Essence Services Mallow Dropper
Sidalcea glauscens (pink-violet)
Positive qualities: Warm and personable, open-hearted sharing, trust in social process.
Patterns of imbalance: Insecure in relationships, paralysis in reaching out to others, resulting in social barriers.
How do I use flower essences?
They are typically taken orally from a dropper bottle; the standard dosage is four drops four times daily. You can take the drops directly from stock bottles available in stores; mix them in a glass of water; or make a dosage bottle by mixing several drops with water and brandy (typically 1/4 ounce) in a one ounce dropper bottle. When mixing in a dosage bottle or glass of water, take two drops from each essence selected. There are many others ways of using them, such as in misting sprayers, in a cream base, or in baths.
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Disclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product does not contain prescription ingredients.
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